The N.S.R.T. was founded in 2002 by Dave & Tina Corcoran and is now playing a major role in providing Specialised Training in Sports & Remedial Massage Therapy in Ireland. The National School of Remedial Therapy is recognised by the STO, IMTA & CTHA. Our Sports & Remedial Massage therapy course has received approval as a postgraduate course from the Association of Registered Complimentary Health Therapists of Ireland (ARCHTI). These further emphasise and recognise our goal of providing the highest quality training in our school.
Our mission is to offer the best training for those who want to develop a professional career in Sports Massage Therapy. All our tutors are involved in Sport and are hands on working Massage Therapists, who work daily treating athletes and ordinary members of public.
At the NSRT our training methods ensure we pass on our vast knowledge to all our students.With the increasing number of people involved in field activities and the ever increase in costs it is not always possible to have medical people available for every training session and game. The NSRT are now offering courses, which are specifically aimed at dealing with on field injuries and injury rehabilition.